Sunday 26 August 2007

The Aristocratic cat..

When i bought my apartment 3 months ago, my intention was to have one flatmate that would help me in paying the bills and at the same time provide some company. Soon after i moved in, the wildlife in the area started getting attracted to my habitat, possibly because animals understand each other very well. Me - A social animal and them - wild animals. There was a cat, a fox, and some ducks that would come sometime. The cat, was the most curious about my place, not to mention because there was always the odd bite of chicken for it. I would get to see the cat only twice or thrice a week as most of the evenings i was away. Last month I found Alfredo, the italion stallion(?), who has now moved in and is my flatmate. I will not get into the nitty gritties of how he is as a flatmate as that is not the topic of discussion here. But with his moving in, there being two people in the flat, the cat started finding that someone or the other was available in the evenings. And thus started the making of 'The Aristocratic Cat'. Vey happy with an odd bite in the beginning, it has now started making sure that it gets treated almost equally whenever it comes in. As u can c in the picture below, Charlie (as we call it now) is enjoying the luxury of an IKEA sofa. Very uncatlike though, it seems to have certain religious inclination, we tried to feed it with pork and it would not touch it. Neither does it like alcohol. Making our flat religiously harmonious, a hindu, a christian and now a muslim as well. :)!

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