Thursday 9 October 2008

Dentist Anyone...?

The orthodonitst after taking out the braces from my mouth asked me to take a walk down the corridor to the chambers of the periodontist, who would disinfect my gums. As a consequence of having braces for so many months one of my molars had caught an infection and had to be reccomended to an endodontist who would perform a root canal treatment. Alas, he only had to cast one eye on my dying calcium chunk before he rushed me off to the exodontist for a tooth removal process. The exodontist who had also spent time pouring over huge volumes of pedodontia told me some spine chilling stories of children he had treated.


Jhangora said...

Yaar 4 of my teeth are dying too but I'm lazy...Have to visit a dentist soon or sab ke sab 32 naye lagwaney pareingey :)

Myriad Hues said...

Well I sure have a tooth ache now after reading this post!!! :)

Fencer said...

Lolz.. i never knew that there are so many different kinds of dentists..